Devotional: Going Through A Tough Time

Devotional: Going Through A Tough Time

Revisit a 2013 devotional by Pastor Michael Ross-Watson and glean from his wisdom, the STRENGTH to weather tough times.

This morning I was impacted by the words of Jesus to Peter, โ€œAnd the Lord said, โ€˜Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethrenโ€ [Luke 22:31-32]

Going through a tough time is not easy but there are some wonderful fruit that develop in these times.

God is with us in these times and is working for our good.ย Literally, โ€œAll things work together for good to those who love God, to those and are called according to His purposeโ€ [Romans 8:28]. He makes no mistakes and is working in us a deeper work of His grace. Nothing can happen to me that God does not know about or will be to my harm. When we are walking in intimacy with God even Satan cannot touch us without Godโ€™s permission. Right now God is good and will not allow anything to harm me.

God is with us in these times to transform our character.ย To a great extent, despite Godโ€™s call on Peterโ€™s life and the revelations that God had given him, he was still very self-confident and proud. From such an attitude he could say, โ€œLord, I am ready to go with You, both to prison and deathโ€ [Luke 22:33], โ€œI will never stumbleโ€ [Matthew 26:33], and โ€œEven if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!โ€ [Matthew 26:35]. Through the sifting that would take place Peter would be transformed.

Look at every character in the Bible whom God used and you will see God shaping them through pain, rejection and deep trials.

Jobโ€™s testimony was, โ€œWhen He has tried me I shall come forth as goldโ€ [Job 23:10]. Right now God is purifying me and making me more like His Son.

God is with us in these times and Jesus is praying for us.ย Jesus said to Peter, โ€œI have prayed for you.โ€ Similarly Jesus, as the Great High Priest, โ€œalways lives to make intercessionโ€ for us [Hebrews 7:25]. Elsewhere is called our Advocate [1 John 2:1] who stands before the Father on our behalf. Even the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us when we donโ€™t know how to pray for ourselves. He is praying that our faith will not fail and that we might be strengthened. Right now all of heaven is on my side and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are interceding for me.

God is with us in these times to prepare us to be a blessing to others.ย Jesus knew that Peter would come through this trial and when he did so it would be a different Peter who had been commissioned to strengthen his brethren [Luke 22:32]. Whatever the end of the trial may be it will result in others being blessed and strengthened, as well as us being purified and transformed more into the likeness of Jesus.

Before his ordeal Job heard of God, knew the truth, sought to live righteously and honour Godโ€™s laws, but after the trial he said, โ€œI have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You.โ€ [Job 42:5]

We may not understand why these times come, but God calls us to trust Him in tough times and to believe that He is at work. Let us not allow our enemy to pervert our perception of Godโ€™s character our question His loving care. He will never do anything to harm or destroy us, and whatever He does or does not do is in our best interest.


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