Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 23 May, in our Chapel. Come and understand how we have been carrying out God’s work over the past year and hear accounts of what our ministries have been doing.
Some other things to note about the AGM:
– It is open to confirmed COOS members who are at least 17 years of age and are on our Electoral Roll. Register your attendance at go.coos.org.sg/AGM.
– We will provide dinner at 7pm. Do come and fellowship with our Parochial Church Council (PCC) and other COOS family members.
We have also opened nominations for our PCC who serve COOS in a voluntary capacity, bringing their expertise in different fields to collectively support the management of our church and the resources God has blessed us with.
Nominees for PCC must be confirmed members of COOS who are at least 21 years of age, and who have been on our church’s Electoral Roll for no less than one (1) year. More information can be found at go.coos.org.sg/PCCnomination.