A Glorious Day – Baptism for Persons with Special Needs

A Glorious Day – Baptism for Persons with Special Needs

The Family Inclusion Network (FIN) celebrates its 4th Anniversary this weekend – 5 & 6 September 2015. 

22nd March 2015 marks a significant milestone in the history of the Family Inclusion Network (FIN).

Families, volunteers and the congregation at COOS witnessed the water baptism of 8 children with different special needs; Sean (16), Adriel (14), Joseph (10), Jonathan (7), Seth (12), Joel (13), Emmanuel (10), Maximus (7) and his mum, Hazel on this appointed morning.

The affirmation of their vows and declarations of faith to turn to Christ, trusting in Him drew a loud applause from the congregation. It is indeed a great day to rejoice in the Lord for what He orchestrated in the lives of these precious souls as they chose to go through water baptism.

God’s word is established: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone; the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

What does it take for the children with special needs to get to this point?

  •  Our response to the gentle nudge of Holy Spirit …

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, behold, I am with you always even unto the end of the age. Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20.

  • In obedience and humility (as we have no model and prior experience), we took the step of faith. God brought the children and ordered the rest … as He desired. We were His hands to facilitate the spiritual development of the children, including those with special needs/disabilities and to fulfil His call for baptism.
  • The collaboration and commitment between parents and a dedicated team of volunteers made this fairly challenging process possible.
  • God granted wisdom, knowledge and creativity to the trainers to design appropriate lessons through multi-sensory teaching techniques to reinforce concepts and aid understanding. Parents applied their learning to reinforce with their children throughout the course duration.
  • 3 months of prayers, supported by FIN prayer partners for the children and their families for this faith project.
  • The gracious leadership, baptism pastors and staff of COOS made special provisions and supported the process towards water baptism.

“It takes a village to raise a child.  This African proverb aptly describes the collaborative approach that we have taken throughout our 1st baptism course. Success is attributed to, and experience by all. To God be all the Glory!

FIN Baptism Course For Persons with Special Needs & Their Families (FBCF) 

5 foundational lessons to prepare candidates for water baptism. Multisensory (auditory, visual & kinesthetic) teaching technique is used to facilitate persons with special needs to grasp the significance of baptism. Documentation may be represented in visual or written form to aid the learning styles of parents and children.

Here’s a photo representation of FIN’s 1st Baptism Course

How can we be saved? Scripture John 3:16


The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all our sins (painting activity)
 1 Bap-91 Bap-8
Growing and Knowing Father God ~ John 15:15
1 Bap-4 Course1 Bap-2 Course
Holy Communion ~ Matt 26:26-28 & The Lord’s Prayer ~ Matt 6:9-13Holy Comm
10.30am Sunday : 22 March 2015 ~ The Baptism Day! Water baptism for 8 boys and a mom @ COOS
Baptisers: Rev Darren Choo and Ps Susie Seow






 The COOS Welcome
We welcome you into the Lord’s family. We are members together of the Body of Christ. We are children of the same Heavenly Father!


Just as a body, though ONE, has many parts, but all its many parts form ONE body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

To make enquiries on Baptism for the Special Needs or The Family Inclusion Network (FIN), please email info@coos.org.sg or call the church office.