Bible Reading: 1 John 3:10-23; 4:7-21
Because God is both perfect and love, perfect love is to be filled with God, but some might ask what exactly that might mean.
In his remarkable book, “The Four Loves,” C.S. Lewis exposes a weakness of the English language. Whereas we have in English the one word, love, there are four distinct words in Greek that are translated into English as love. “Eros” describes physical passionate love with sensual desire and longing. “Phileo” is affectionate regard or friendship and includes a sense of loyalty. “Storge” is that natural affection such as felt by parents for their children.
The fourth word, “Agape,” speaks of true unconditional love. This love is selfless; it gives sacrificially and expects nothing in return. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love without any regard to self-benefit. This is how God loves us and it is because He first loved us that we love Him and that love flows over to others. It is impossible to love God and not to love our fellow men.
Writing his first epistle, John connects light and love. To love is to walk in the light with no hidden agendas. This love is practical in that it does not shut up its heart when faced with the needs of others. The evidence that a person is a child of God is that they practice righteousness and love others. If we love one another God’s love is perfected in us. Love is the outworking of righteousness. Show me a man who is holy and I will show you a man out of whom flows the love of God to others. This is the work of the Holy Spirit and the more we are filled with the Holy Spirit the more we will love both God and men.
1. Love and Holiness is the same thing. How would you explain this and
what is the impact it has on your own life?
2. How would you describe in your own words unconditional love? As the Holy
Spirit to show you if there is any area of your life where your love is
conditional and not unconditional. If necessary bring it to the Lord in prayer
and ask for His forgiveness.
Something to do:
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His love and then ask Him each day to show you how you might express that love to God and to others.
Taken from Pastor Michael Ross-Watson’s PURE series.