COOS Adult Services brings together people from all walks of life. We fellowship and journey together in christ. Weekly services fall on 2.30pm on Saturdays, 8.30am and 10.45am on Sundays. 10.45am services on Sunday are also live streamed on Youtube for those who are unable to join us physically.
COOS Adult also have Cell Groups!
We all need each other! And that’s why we have cell groups to care for one another here at COOS.
Our cell groups generally consist of 7 to 15 people who meet regularly to build meaningful relationships together in Christian unity — worshipping Jesus, learning more about God and the Bible, praying for one another, eating together and generally having fun.
To join our cells, fill out this form at
Worshipping God Together
As a Christ-centred community, ministering to God is integral to cell life. We seek to point people to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, on whom we draw strength.
Growing Spiritually Together
All humans were made for relationship and collaboration. As people with different talents and spiritual gifts, cell members can grow together, by sharing from the Bible, praying, encouraging with testimonies, hearing from God together, and offering practical help.
Reaching Our Families, Communities + Beyond
Armed with the Gospel of Christ, cells pray for, and reach out to, our loved ones, as well as communities here and overseas. We desire to bless our community through unconditional acts of kindness. Some cells “adopt a missionary” providing much-appreciated support through prayer, correspondence, and sometimes financial aid. Some cells organise short trips to visit our COOS missionaries at their station.