Join a Community

Discover the COOS Life



Enjoy a mid-week cup of coffee and snacks at the COOS Atrium, while befriending people from neighbouring Queenstown. Perfect if you live or work around COOS! 

Drop by every Tuesday & Wednesday, 3:00 – 5:00pm




We all need each other! That’s why we have cell groups to care for one another here at COOS.

Our cell groups generally consist of 7 to 15 people who meet regularly to build meaningful relationships together in Christian unity – worshipping Jesus, learning more about God and the Bible, praying for one another, eating together and generally having fun.

Worshipping God Together

As a Christ-centred community, ministering to God is integral to cell life. We seek to point people to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, from whom we draw strength.

Growing Spiritually Together

All humans are made for relationships and collaboration. As people with different talents and spiritual gifts, cell members can grow together, by sharing from the Bible, praying, encouraging each other with testimonies, hearing from God together, and offering practical help.

Reaching Our Families, Communities + Beyond

Armed with the Gospel of Christ, cells pray for, and reach out to our loved ones, as well as communities here and overseas. We desire to bless our communities through unconditional acts of kindness. Some cells “adopt a missionary” providing much appreciated support through prayer, correspondence, and sometimes financial aid. Some cells organise short trips to visit our COOS missionaries at their stations.

To join a cell group, feel free to fill out this form You can also contact us at or call 6885 0700



CHOICES focuses on journeying with people, who struggle with same- sex attraction. Romans 8:38 tells us that nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. Hence at COOS, we believe that neither your gender identity, nor sexual preference, should stand in the way of you seeking to draw near to God.

We embrace and love you as how God sees you. We would love for you to share your story with us. Come join us!

Enquire at, or call us at 8876 0143


COOS MinDeaf

COOS MinDeaf is a ministry comprising of both deaf and hearing friends.

We are a community supporting one another, growing together in Christ- likeness and reaching out to others.

Sign Language is available during our Sunday 10.45am services for our deaf to participate more meaningfully in church.

Look out for us at the front, extreme-right section of seats in the auditorium.

Interested in being a part of MinDeaf or in learning Sign Language? Contact us today!



Family Life Ministry

Family Life Ministry seeks to equip and strengthen relationships between husband & wife and parent & child – both in COOS and the neighbouring community. We believe strong families build thriving and sustainable communities.

A vital key in Family Life Ministry is mentoring and inter-generational networking with other COOS ministries, such as COOSkidz, COOS Youth, to promote biblical principles of marriage and parenting. Family Life Ministry provides and continues to seek mature couple volunteers to journey with younger couples, as well as older mothers with younger mothers, through mentorship and facilitation.

Anyone from COOS, or the community can look to Family Life for:

  • Pre-marriage Course
  • Marriage Mentoring
  • Marriage Enrichment
  • Parenting Support
  • Mom2Mom Network

Do get in touch with us to find out more:

Email:, or call 6885 0700.


Filipino Fellowship

Filipino Fellowship provides Filipinos and other foreign nationals working and living in Singapore a place to worship God together, support one another in prayer and grow in Christian faith and spiritual leadership.

With a wide array of Christian Education classes, ministry opportunities and outreach activities, it is no wonder that the Filipino Fellowship has seen steady growth over the years, despite job-posting disruptions and work schedule limitations.

Filipino Fellowship also offers fun and meaningful Guitar, Tambourine Dance and Sewing classes.

Should you need prayer for any ailments or need a listening ear to overcome challenges, get in touch with us!

If you are a foreign worker, or if you know someone who is, join us at our services and cells on:

Sundays 10am (Tagalog) or 1.30pm (English) at Chapel, Level 4

Contact Pastor Brenda Micua at 


Men@COOS Fellowship 

This ministry encourages brothers to do life together. Through fellowship, we help one another to grow in faith and walk with God each day.

Men@COOS organises regular topical seminars and form various interest groups, such as walky-talky, makan fellowship, durian appreciation, coffee talks, whatsapp chats, balloon-sculpting workshops, bike maintenance, ukulele training and more! In addition, this fellowship organises retreats, or short mission trips to neighbouring countries.

These activities help us to build trust and lasting friendships that will strengthen the body of Christ.

Men@COOS is for all men at COOS. Come join us!




(2 years old and above)

We believe that every child is loved and accepted by God, including individuals with special needs. Our team of loving teachers are dedicated to help every child with special needs to encounter God and experience His great love. We hope that they will cultivate a sense of security and belonging through the teachings of God and His truth, and through the friendships of teachers and other individuals with special needs.

Each part of the programme is carefully thought out to provide a holistic experience that will help them to learn more about God and build a personal relationship with Him. Every activity is specially designed to ensure that they will have a meaningful and fun time.

This programme runs concurrently with the main Church services on Saturday 2:30pm and Sunday 10:45am.


This is a club for young adults with different abilities to connect with friends and learn more about God through group activities and outings. Our team of passionate volunteers will make the experience a safe and meaningful time to build genuine friendships.

The club meets once a month during the first Sunday of every month.

Contact Mei Koh at:, or 6885 0700


Tanglin Fellowship

The Tanglin Fellowship first gathered in 1978 and became one of Church of Our Saviour’s outreach bridges in 1985. Initially known as “Raffles Park Fellowship”, it was subsequently renamed “Tanglin Fellowship” due to a change in venue.

Regardless of the venue, our growing fellowship group desires to extend warmth to everyone; as well as be an oasis to those who are hurting, discouraged and lost.

Through teaching, ministry and fellowship, we hope to help you:

• know Jesus Christ for real
• experience and witness the Word of God come alive
• understand and experience the Spiritual Gifts, and the display of the

Fruit of the Holy Spirit
• receive whatever spiritual help you may need for life’s challenges

We meet weekly and we look forward to welcoming you; especially if you want to know Jesus more, and are looking for a sense of belonging, a place to call home.

For more information of Tanglin Fellowship’s schedule, please email Christine Ang at
or call 9637 5509


Arts Collective

(previously known as Arts Ministries) 

The Arts Collective comprises of 5 artistic collectives: Dance, Drama, Flag, Tambourine and Visual Arts, all guided by one common mission statement: 

We exist to be skilfully creative, powerfully prophetic and spiritually significant.  We seek to impact the Church at large, our respective spheres of influence, and be catalytic in the spiritual transformation of Singapore and overseas. 

The Arts Collective supports COOS in using their various artistic expressions during weekly services as well as Prayer & Praise gatherings.

We are constantly finding ways to involve ourselves in evangelistic outreaches – local & overseas – in addition to running workshops, staging plays and musicals throughout the year.




Welcome to Women@COOS, formerly known as Koinonia. Our mission remains unchanged: to encourage and empower women to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. 

We welcome women from all churches, religions, races, and countries. 

Our fellowship is based on the 4Cs – Connect, Community, Collaborate, and Celebrate. Through these values, we strive to create a community where women can connect, know they are loved by God, work together for His Kingdom, and celebrate His love and victory. 

Join us today to become part of a community of empowered women fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives.

Contact Ng Win Lin at or call 9060 1132


Young Adult (Y.A) Ministry

The YA Ministry (Young Adults, broadly classified as 25-40 years old) seeks to build a diverse community that can support and inspire one another in faith as one journeys through multiple life transitions. Given the wide-ranging jobs and life situations of the YA demographic, we believe it is important to create multiple touch-points for all YAs to be connected to. These include:

• Monthly Gatherings where we meet once a month as a Ministry to worship and discuss various YA-related issues

• Cell group where we journey more closely with one another in a small- group setting

• Cell Seekers Programme where newcomers and seekers are welcome to join, to experience and discover the importance of community building in a YA setting

• Young Parents’ Network where we hold ad-hoc workshops on topics that may be of interest to young parents

Through these different platforms, we hope to provide avenues where YAs can connect with one another and serve according to their interests. As we participate and look towards the biblical kingdom that God exhorts us to build, we hope that every YA will be encouraged and inspired to live out their faith victoriously amidst the different challenges.

To join us or find out more, please contact Pastor Tan Gim Yong at, or call COOS at 6885 0700



Climbers’ Group 

Ever seen groups of people climbing the walls of shopping malls and sports halls? If you look closely, you are likely to spot an avid group of climbers from COOS.

There are so many life-lessons to be gleaned from climbing.  While it is usually a sport of overcoming one’s own mental and physical limitations, climbing is best experienced in a fun and supportive group. 

Whatever your fitness level, or age, come and join us for a time of encouraging fun, great conversations and the “post-climb” bubble tea! 

Contact Denise Fong at


Zumba Gold

Studies show that low-impact physical movement, simple coordination and positive social interaction are all necessary for men and woman in their golden years to lice with vitality and stay mentally agile.

Come enjoy the music. laughter and camaraderie; and get your heart and limbs strong and healthy.

Zumba Gold meets every 2nd and 4th Friday, 2.45-3.45pm at the COOS Atrium.

Email or call Rachel at 6885 0700


Runners’ Group

Need motivation to keep running? Why not join our Runners’ Group? You may even get to be on an inspirational run with our very own ‘Running Man’ Reverend Christopher Ho!

We have different groups running at different paces on different paces on different days. So don’t wait! Contact Min Xin and he will set you up with a group.

Email or call 9431 2922


Cajon Group

Cajon (pronounced “kaw-hawn”) is Spanish for ‘box’. originally created by slaves from colonial Peru, this simple drumming instrument has crossed continents and cultures, to become one of the most flexible and popular percussion instruments.

Our Cajon group seeks to express themselves musically, even towards worshipping God. At times, they present song items during our church services, or festive events.

Whether you are a total newbie, or have a little percussion or musical experience, everyone is welcome to join our casual and relaxed group of Cajon players.

For more information on how to get involved, contact Vincent Tan at at 9688 2258



There is nothing like the powerful sound of a choir singing in four-part harmony, or gentle dulcet voices in unison. The COOS Choir is featured during festive seasons, such as Christmas, Easter and some special events. If you can hold a tune, or better yet, if you used to sing in a choir, come audition to be part of the COOS Choir. The ability to read music notation is preferred, but not an absolute must.

Contact or call 6885 0700



Enjoy a mid-week cup of coffee and snacks at the COOS Atrium, while befriending people from neighbouring Queenstown. Perfect if you live or work around COOS! 

Drop by every Tuesday & Wednesday, 3:00 – 5:00pm




We all need each other! That’s why we have cell groups to care for one another here at COOS.

Our cell groups generally consist of 7 to 15 people who meet regularly to build meaningful relationships together in Christian unity – worshipping Jesus, learning more about God and the Bible, praying for one another, eating together and generally having fun.

Worshipping God Together

As a Christ-centred community, ministering to God is integral to cell life. We seek to point people to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, from whom we draw strength.

Growing Spiritually Together

All humans are made for relationships and collaboration. As people with different talents and spiritual gifts, cell members can grow together, by sharing from the Bible, praying, encouraging each other with testimonies, hearing from God together, and offering practical help.

Reaching Our Families, Communities + Beyond

Armed with the Gospel of Christ, cells pray for, and reach out to our loved ones, as well as communities here and overseas. We desire to bless our communities through unconditional acts of kindness. Some cells “adopt a missionary” providing much appreciated support through prayer, correspondence, and sometimes financial aid. Some cells organise short trips to visit our COOS missionaries at their stations.

To join a cell group, feel free to fill out this form You can also contact us at or call 6885 0700



CHOICES focuses on journeying with people, who struggle with same- sex attraction. Romans 8:38 tells us that nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. Hence at COOS, we believe that neither your gender identity, nor sexual preference, should stand in the way of you seeking to draw near to God.

We embrace and love you as how God sees you. We would love for you to share your story with us. Come join us!

Enquire at, or call us at 8876 0143


COOS MinDeaf

COOS MinDeaf is a ministry comprising of both deaf and hearing friends.

We are a community supporting one another, growing together in Christ- likeness and reaching out to others.

Sign Language is available during our Sunday 10.45am services for our deaf to participate more meaningfully in church.

Look out for us at the front, extreme-right section of seats in the auditorium.

Interested in being a part of MinDeaf or in learning Sign Language? Contact us today!



Family Life Ministry

Family Life Ministry seeks to equip and strengthen relationships between husband & wife and parent & child – both in COOS and the neighbouring community. We believe strong families build thriving and sustainable communities.

A vital key in Family Life Ministry is mentoring and inter-generational networking with other COOS ministries, such as COOSkidz, COOS Youth, to promote biblical principles of marriage and parenting. Family Life Ministry provides and continues to seek mature couple volunteers to journey with younger couples, as well as older mothers with younger mothers, through mentorship and facilitation.

Anyone from COOS, or the community can look to Family Life for:

  • Pre-marriage Course
  • Marriage Mentoring
  • Marriage Enrichment
  • Parenting Support
  • Mom2Mom Network

Do get in touch with us to find out more:

Email:, or call 6885 0700.


Filipino Fellowship

Filipino Fellowship provides Filipinos and other foreign nationals working and living in Singapore a place to worship God together, support one another in prayer and grow in Christian faith and spiritual leadership.

With a wide array of Christian Education classes, ministry opportunities and outreach activities, it is no wonder that the Filipino Fellowship has seen steady growth over the years, despite job-posting disruptions and work schedule limitations.

Filipino Fellowship also offers fun and meaningful Guitar, Tambourine Dance and Sewing classes.

Should you need prayer for any ailments or need a listening ear to overcome challenges, get in touch with us!

If you are a foreign worker, or if you know someone who is, join us at our services and cells on:

Sundays 10am (Tagalog) or 1.30pm (English) at Chapel, Level 4

Contact Pastor Brenda Micua at 


Men@COOS Fellowship 

This ministry encourages brothers to do life together. Through fellowship, we help one another to grow in faith and walk with God each day.

Men@COOS organises regular topical seminars and form various interest groups, such as walky-talky, makan fellowship, durian appreciation, coffee talks, whatsapp chats, balloon-sculpting workshops, bike maintenance, ukulele training and more! In addition, this fellowship organises retreats, or short mission trips to neighbouring countries.

These activities help us to build trust and lasting friendships that will strengthen the body of Christ.

Men@COOS is for all men at COOS. Come join us!




(2 years old and above)

We believe that every child is loved and accepted by God, including individuals with special needs. Our team of loving teachers are dedicated to help every child with special needs to encounter God and experience His great love. We hope that they will cultivate a sense of security and belonging through the teachings of God and His truth, and through the friendships of teachers and other individuals with special needs.

Each part of the programme is carefully thought out to provide a holistic experience that will help them to learn more about God and build a personal relationship with Him. Every activity is specially designed to ensure that they will have a meaningful and fun time.

This programme runs concurrently with the main Church services on Saturday 2:30pm and Sunday 10:45am.


This is a club for young adults with different abilities to connect with friends and learn more about God through group activities and outings. Our team of passionate volunteers will make the experience a safe and meaningful time to build genuine friendships.

The club meets once a month during the first Sunday of every month.

Contact Mei Koh at:, or 6885 0700


Tanglin Fellowship

The Tanglin Fellowship first gathered in 1978 and became one of Church of Our Saviour’s outreach bridges in 1985. Initially known as “Raffles Park Fellowship”, it was subsequently renamed “Tanglin Fellowship” due to a change in venue.

Regardless of the venue, our growing fellowship group desires to extend warmth to everyone; as well as be an oasis to those who are hurting, discouraged and lost.

Through teaching, ministry and fellowship, we hope to help you:

• know Jesus Christ for real
• experience and witness the Word of God come alive
• understand and experience the Spiritual Gifts, and the display of the

Fruit of the Holy Spirit
• receive whatever spiritual help you may need for life’s challenges

We meet weekly and we look forward to welcoming you; especially if you want to know Jesus more, and are looking for a sense of belonging, a place to call home.

For more information of Tanglin Fellowship’s schedule, please email Christine Ang at
or call 9637 5509


Arts Collective

(previously known as Arts Ministries) 

The Arts Collective comprises of 5 artistic collectives: Dance, Drama, Flag, Tambourine and Visual Arts, all guided by one common mission statement: 

We exist to be skilfully creative, powerfully prophetic and spiritually significant.  We seek to impact the Church at large, our respective spheres of influence, and be catalytic in the spiritual transformation of Singapore and overseas. 

The Arts Collective supports COOS in using their various artistic expressions during weekly services as well as Prayer & Praise gatherings.

We are constantly finding ways to involve ourselves in evangelistic outreaches – local & overseas – in addition to running workshops, staging plays and musicals throughout the year.




Welcome to Women@COOS, formerly known as Koinonia. Our mission remains unchanged: to encourage and empower women to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. 

We welcome women from all churches, religions, races, and countries. 

Our fellowship is based on the 4Cs – Connect, Community, Collaborate, and Celebrate. Through these values, we strive to create a community where women can connect, know they are loved by God, work together for His Kingdom, and celebrate His love and victory. 

Join us today to become part of a community of empowered women fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives.

Contact Ng Win Lin at or call 9060 1132


Young Adult (Y.A) Ministry

The YA Ministry (Young Adults, broadly classified as 25-40 years old) seeks to build a diverse community that can support and inspire one another in faith as one journeys through multiple life transitions. Given the wide-ranging jobs and life situations of the YA demographic, we believe it is important to create multiple touch-points for all YAs to be connected to. These include:

• Monthly Gatherings where we meet once a month as a Ministry to worship and discuss various YA-related issues

• Cell group where we journey more closely with one another in a small- group setting

• Cell Seekers Programme where newcomers and seekers are welcome to join, to experience and discover the importance of community building in a YA setting

• Young Parents’ Network where we hold ad-hoc workshops on topics that may be of interest to young parents

Through these different platforms, we hope to provide avenues where YAs can connect with one another and serve according to their interests. As we participate and look towards the biblical kingdom that God exhorts us to build, we hope that every YA will be encouraged and inspired to live out their faith victoriously amidst the different challenges.

To join us or find out more, please contact Pastor Tan Gim Yong at, or call COOS at 6885 0700



Climbers’ Group 

Ever seen groups of people climbing the walls of shopping malls and sports halls? If you look closely, you are likely to spot an avid group of climbers from COOS.

There are so many life-lessons to be gleaned from climbing.  While it is usually a sport of overcoming one’s own mental and physical limitations, climbing is best experienced in a fun and supportive group. 

Whatever your fitness level, or age, come and join us for a time of encouraging fun, great conversations and the “post-climb” bubble tea! 

Contact Denise Fong at


Zumba Gold

Studies show that low-impact physical movement, simple coordination and positive social interaction are all necessary for men and woman in their golden years to lice with vitality and stay mentally agile.

Come enjoy the music. laughter and camaraderie; and get your heart and limbs strong and healthy.

Zumba Gold meets every 2nd and 4th Friday, 2.45-3.45pm at the COOS Atrium.

Email or call Rachel at 6885 0700


Runners’ Group

Need motivation to keep running? Why not join our Runners’ Group? You may even get to be on an inspirational run with our very own ‘Running Man’ Reverend Christopher Ho!

We have different groups running at different paces on different paces on different days. So don’t wait! Contact Min Xin and he will set you up with a group.

Email or call 9431 2922


Cajon Group

Cajon (pronounced “kaw-hawn”) is Spanish for ‘box’. originally created by slaves from colonial Peru, this simple drumming instrument has crossed continents and cultures, to become one of the most flexible and popular percussion instruments.

Our Cajon group seeks to express themselves musically, even towards worshipping God. At times, they present song items during our church services, or festive events.

Whether you are a total newbie, or have a little percussion or musical experience, everyone is welcome to join our casual and relaxed group of Cajon players.

For more information on how to get involved, contact Vincent Tan at at 9688 2258



There is nothing like the powerful sound of a choir singing in four-part harmony, or gentle dulcet voices in unison. The COOS Choir is featured during festive seasons, such as Christmas, Easter and some special events. If you can hold a tune, or better yet, if you used to sing in a choir, come audition to be part of the COOS Choir. The ability to read music notation is preferred, but not an absolute must.

Contact or call 6885 0700