‘ANGELs NETWORK’ Service Ushers
COOS Ushers are a cheerful bunch, whose joyful, “angelic” service is to welcome church-goers as they enter, seat them, lend direction, help and bless them as they leave, at the end of the service. At times, ushers are the “first responders” to newcomers, answering queries and even emergencies. This role is certainly not a dull one. If you love meeting people and helping others feel at home at COOS, do volunteer to be a part of the ANGELs Network.
Contact joanna.chak@coos.org.sg or call 6885 0700
Have you been inspired by the videos screened at COOS? Or has the sound of our worship moved you to tears? The COOS AV team exists to facilitate the congregation’s encounter with God. If you see yourself being part of this complete worship experience, we would love for you to serve with us here at COOS.
Contact ronchiam@coos.org.sg or call 6885 0700
Care@COOS serves to provide caregivers personal, prayerful support and help in their daily challenges of looking after their loved ones.
Volunteers with Care@COOS empathise and understand that care-giving can be a lonely and arduous struggle. Volunteers seek to be the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus, in lending aid to caregivers of ailing relatives, or loved ones with special needs, alleviating their load.
Care@COOS also organises social events to give caregivers a break, as well as hosting talks and workshops to better equip both caregivers and volunteers.
If you are a caregiver in need of help, or if you would like to volunteer to support caregivers, Care@COOS has a place for you.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.”” Matthew 25:40
Contact careatcoos@gmail.com or call COOS at 6885 0700
At Community Services, we understand that there are many needs in the community. We provide support to bless and encourage community residents as they journey through life.
Demonstrating Jesus’ love through acts of kindness, we hope to bring lasting change in the community, one life at a time.
We provide services such as home visitations, elderly support groups, New Life Group for ex-offenders, chapel services for prison inmates, evangelistic events, community programs, and more.
Come and join us as a volunteer to extend caring hands in the community.
Contact community@coos.org.sg, or call 6885 0700
Many of our church-goers find difficulty in coming to church, due to the lack of appropriate transport. If you are a responsible and safe driver, why not volunteer, serve in this area and bring joy to our elderly, or physically-challenged brothers and sisters.
Contact careatcoos@gmail.com or call COOS at 6885 0700
Since 2020, when Project “Home Away from Home” was launched to aid people displaced by the COVID-related border shut-downs, awareness for “rough sleeping” in Singapore gained much ground. It is difficult to imagine that there are Singaporeans, who are homeless, sleeping under bridges, at park shelters and such.
COOS, in cooperation, with New Hope Community Services’ Transit Point@Margaret Drive, have sent many volunteers to befriend ex-rough-Sleepers, who are slowly transitioning back to home-ownership.
Whether it is through providing meals, organising health talks, or translating at town-hall meetings, leading their KTV nights, you can be a “Befriender” and be a bridge of hope for the residents there.
Contact audrey.tang@coos.org.sg, or call COOS at 6885 0700
Every deaf, or hearing-impaired person deserves to understand the there churns, sometimes deaf people need her ast interacting with others at church. Sometimes deaf people need help approaching government offices, attending court, or meeting with their MPs.
If you are keen to journey with our deaf friends, perhaps help in the above areas and learn sign language in the church context, MinDeaf is looking for volunteers.
Look at COOSConnect for more information.
Interested in being a part of MinDeaf or in learning Sign Language? Contact us today!
Contact coos.mindeaf@gmail.com
(Children with Special Needs)
Do you feel a special affinity to want to help and connect with children with special needs? COOS Sunshine Ministry is always on the look-out for patient and available volunteers. You can be an answer to someone’s prayer!
Look at COOSConnect for more information.
Contact meikoh@coos.org.sg, or 6885 0700