Our Vision
We believe that God is deeply interested in meeting human needs. We believe too, that He uses those who come under His Lordship to meet these needs wherever possible. This He does by energising us with His Spirit.
Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we therefore endeavour to establish communities not only in Singapore but also beyond, where people can have opportunities to enter into living encounters with His goodness and compassion. Missionaries in foreign countries are trained to be culturally relevant. Methodologies and praxis of the church are consciously founded on Biblical principles.
Church of Our Saviour is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Singapore.

Our Beliefs

We believe that there is only one living and true God. He exists eternally in three persons in perfect unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit as revealed to us in the Bible.

The Bible
We believe that the Bible is God’s written word. It contains all things necessary for salvation, teaches God’s will for His world, and has supreme authority for faith, life and the continuous renewal and reform of the Church.

We believe that we are saved from our sins and reconciled to God only through believing and accepting what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. It is not by our effort or merit but a gift from God.

Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was sent by God into this world to die on the cross for our sins so that by believing in Him we have eternal life. He is fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless life. In the power of the Holy Spirit, He went about preaching, healing and delivering people from the captivity of Sin, Sickness and Satan. He died and He rose from the dead. He has ascended to Heaven and will return again as the Judge of every person who has ever lived.

The Church
We believe that there is only one living and true God. He exists eternally in three persons in perfect unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit as revealed to us in the Bible.

Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit was sent from God as life and power for those who believe in Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we are transformed in our character and empowered in our services so that we may be like Christ.
Our Core Values

We are a Holy Spirit-led church. We believe in the operation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. We believe everyone can receive and exercise these gifts of the Holy Spirit. We need spiritual power to do spiritual work.

People are meant to be in community. We seek to develop authentic and committed relationships. We want an atmosphere where we can grow in Godly love for one another.

We want to be a people living by Godly principles and growing into Christ-likeness. We grow in character by serving.
- Holiness
- Responsibility

Openness to God doing something NEW. As a church we want to be ahead of the times. We want to discern what is on the horizon and be ready for it. We want to have cutting edge attitude.
- (Faith) Stepping into the unknown
- Trail-blazers

Committed to God's word
We are committed to studying and knowing the Word of God. We are biblically based in our life/world view/ strategies.