Welcome to Empowered Weekend, a weekend of decentralised services run by cluster pastors, leaders and members. All our services for this weekend are over. You may still do e-tithing and watch COOSkidz progamme below.
**QR CODE: strictly for tithings and offerings.
Please scan it with your banking app only.
PayNow UEN: T08CC4065E
DBS account name: Church of Our Saviour (North) A/C 1
DBS Account Number: 0060149545
COOSkidz Message
Jesus told His disciples that a helper would be sent to help them. Who is this helper? Let’s find out as Aunty Debbie shares more about the helper in today’s lesson. Have fun colouring, hunting and digging into the Word of God to learn more about the Holy Spirit.
Song link: https://bit.ly/COOSkidz1
Worksheets link: https://bit.ly/COOSkidzBTB3
The Combined Diocesan Worship Service on Pentecost Sunday, 31 May 2020
The Combined Diocesan Worship Service is on
Pentecost Sunday, 31 May 2020 at 10.30am.
To attend the service, go to
This year’s Whitsunday free-will offering will be given towards the Diocesan Missions Fund for allocation towards church growth. The Whitsunday offering will be taken during the Pentecost Combined Online Service on Sunday 31 May 2020. This free-will offering may be made through cheques made payable to “The Diocese of Singapore”, please write “Whitsunday 2020” on the back, and post to:
Diocese of Singapore
1 Francis Thomas Drive, #01-01
Singapore 359340