Provision of the Father (Hey!FAM)

Provision of the Father (Hey!FAM)

Provision of the Father
24 August (Saturday)
9.30am – 12.30pm
Galilee Room 308 @ Level 3

As we approach National Day and are reminded to count the blessings God has poured upon our little island state, we sometimes forget what this heavenly Father of ours is truly like in nature and how much He is the only safe place we need. Discover and remember who our Abba Father is at this talk organised by our Family Life Ministry under the Hey!FAM initiative.

The guest speaker, Kenny Tan, is a missionary and itinerant speaker who will share how he and his family have personally experienced the love and goodness of our Father God. He will also address one of the most prominent strongholds in our generation: the fear of lack. Hear his story and gain insights into knowing the heart of our Father God and how to be aligned with Him. Know and experience the perfect love of the Father that drives out all fear.

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August 24, 2024

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