Deeper Life Course: The Book of Job – Trusting God in the storm
The book of Job narrates the story of an upright man overwhelmed by troubles. He is stripped of his wealth, family, and health. Job’s suffering leads to a heated debate between Job and his friends as to why Job was suffering. Isn’t he righteous? Why would God allow it? Job accuses God of being unjust and calls on God to explain Himself. Eventually, God addresses Job. Though God’s speeches do not provide a comprehensive explanation on human suffering, Job responds with contrite submission. He learns to praise God regardless of his circumstance.
28 May, 4 & 11 June | 10am – 11.30am | Zoom |
Instructor: Mah Sook Cheng
Closing date: 23 May
Synopsis: 2022-04 CE Deeper Life Online Courses