Whats On

COOS Business

COOS Business is started to encourage networking & collaborations among our church members. Have your business listed in our Business Directory. Email coosbusiness@coos.org.sg COOS BUSINESS – GOVERNING PRINCIPLES 1. COOS Business aims to promote and support businesses (of any size) of our members 2. The purpose is to provide natural support for members of our

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Discover Alpha in COOS

What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of interactive sessions designed to encourage conversation about life’s big questions in a friendly, open and informal environment. Who is Alpha for? Alpha is for anyone wanting to explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith. Sessions are designed to be relatable to everyone curious to discover

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COOS Social Happenings

When we gather as a community, be it around the Atrium or the Auditorium, or at a Special Interest Group, a talk, workshop or event. We are ‘socialising’ to form connections and friendships. Places come alive when people gather. In COOS, we call it ‘COOS Social’. Welcome to COOS SOCIAL. The COOS SOCIAL platform encompasses Events,

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When we gather as a community, be it around the Atrium or the Auditorium, or at a Special Interest Group, a talk, workshop or event. We are ‘socialising’ to form connections and friendships. A venue comes alive when people gather. This is where ‘COOS SOCIAL’ forms.